Provisioned concurrency for AWS Lambda promises to solve one of the biggest bugbears of serverless computing: the cold start. 

As an official AWS launch partner, Lumigo has added a range of new metrics to help you utilize this exciting new feature and make cold starts a thing of the past.

With this valuable information at your fingertips, you can quickly identify the cold starts that are compromising user experience and enable provisioned concurrency to resolve them.

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Provisioned Concurrency Metrics

We've added 3 new metrics to our Functions screen:

Cold Start %

Identify which Lambda functions experience cold starts most frequently.

Avg. Cold Duration

Pinpoint which Lambda functions suffer the longest cold starts. 

Provisioned Concurrency #

See at a glance how much provisioned concurrency you’ve enabled against your functions.

A screenshot of new provisioned concurrency metrics on the Lumigo Functions screen.

Provisioned Concurrency ALERTS

Opt in for preconfigured provisioned concurrency insight alerts, so you’ll know instantly when a function is under-provisioned. 

A screenshot of a Lumigo Insights alert offering recommendations around cold starts and provisioned concurrency.


Say Goodbye to Cold Starts and Optimize your user experience with the Lumigo serverless monitoring & troubleshooting platform. Create your free account. 

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